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The volume's wide-ranging essays offer nuanced perspectives on important and innovative documentary makers in the region that include established filmmakers like Patricio Guzmán and Eduardo Coutinho lesser-knowns like Karen Rossi and Susana Barriga and media collectives like Chile's Cámara en Mano and Mexico's Mal de Ojo TV. 'Compelling and far-reaching, New Documentaries in Latin America provides a much-needed examination of the astounding documentary output of Latin America in the past three decades. Theoretically engaged with rigorous contextualization, New Documentaries in Latin America provides an important contribution to a growing field within Latin American Film Studies.' - Miriam Haddu, Senior Lecturer, Mexican Visual Culture, University of London, UK, and author of Contemporary Mexican Cinema, 1989-1999: History, Space, and Identity 'This is a collection of very insightful, well-informed, and compelling analyses authored by leading scholars in the field of Latin American documentary filmmaking. “The sure-footed and historically aware manner in which the thirteen contributions home in on their specific topics while panning out to highlight broader regional and historical concerns means that this collection is illuminating and insightful, with much to commend it to novices and specialists alike.” (David Conlon, Bulletin of Spanish Visual Studies, Vol.

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